Mild, moderate, severe, dyslexic are just general terms, like cold, cool, warm, hot... Or there is significant difference between them! February 26, 2018 15:45
Many of us are very curious to understand the difference between a mild and moderate dyslexic, because we have been told from a screening test now that there is 90-95% chance that if the child is dyslexic and it would be either mild or moderate depending from a full assessment. For how much worse is a moderate dyslexic than a mild dyslexic and where do the specialist cut the boundary between the two? or even between moderate and severe.
Mild, moderate or severe dyslexia just means the level of severity of the difficulties you may have. There is no hard and set rules as to cut of points because there are different issues that need to be taken into consideration. As Geodon says its like the difference of luke warm, warm, hot and very hot. There is also the difference in intelligence. You can have a person with low intelligence and mild dyslexia and high intelligence and severe dyslexia and a whole range of variations in between those . I personally have taught gifted children with severe dyslexia. A large number of dyslexic children have gone on to University.
Although there is a great focus on reading most dyslexics have greater difficulty mastering spellings. The two require different skills. Everyone is different and have different strengths and weaknesses so each dyslexic will have different levels and types of difficulties within the umbrella of dyslexia. I have many dyslexic pupils whose reading accuracy and comprehension is on par with their ability but continue to experience other difficulties. What school are looking to achieve is that the pupil has a functioning level of literacy that means they can read at a level that allows them to access the curriculum.
Some dyslexics develop very good coping strategies and they don't experience major difficulties through school but may do so as they start working or at UNi /college as the level of literacy requirements gets higher.
The good news is that the main difference between mild and severe dyslexia is that putting a lot of effort in usually leads to noticeable results and improvements in performance.
He can read okay. He just can’t spell. That’s not dyslexia, is it?
A child with severe dyslexia will struggle with reading from the very first day.
But intelligent children with mild-to-moderate dyslexia can fool you during the first few years in school. They can read. You just don’t know HOW they are reading. But their unusual reading strategies will force them into a brick wall by third to fourth grade.
Their awful spelling, however, is obvious very early. If they spend hours each night working on a spelling list, they may be able to pass the test. But they won’t be able to spell those very same words when they’re writing sentences or compositions.
Poor spelling is highly related to poor reading, and poor spelling shows up first. But it may take until third to fourth grade for the reading struggles to become equally obvious.
Reading and spelling are closely related skills. (source
--->What dyslexia is called depends upon the type of specialist who did the testing, and their knowledge of dyslexia.
Dyslexia affects many different areas, but some testers only check one area. They find one weakness and come to the wrong conclusion. They don’t realize that weakness may be part of a bigger problem: dyslexia.
It’s like the fable of the blind men who approach an elephant from various directions. The one who discovers the trunk describes the animal very differently than the one who finds the tail, than the one who finds the leg, the tusk, etc.
None of them “see” that what they found is just one part of a bigger thing, an elephant.
2 tip untuk mengajar menulis dan mengeja December 18, 2015 11:11
Jika anak lemah dalam ejaan atau sedang belajar menulis, biar anak menulis tanpa ditegur ejaannya. Ini akan berikan anak keyakinan untuk mengeluarkan ide2nya tanpa rasa takut salah. The objective is to make his thoughts written down on paper. Kalau disuruh membuat pembetulan anak akan kecewa dan cepat naik marah. Ini untuk permulaan sahaja lepas beberapa sesi menulis we can start correcting it as we go along.
Tip 1 – Guna buku Skrap
Langkah mengajar anak menulis meggunakan buku skrap:
1) Anak melukis mengikut topiknya cth Rumah saya, Kawan Saya
2) Menulis tarikh dan hari setiap kali (wajib), ini secara aotumatik mengajar anak mengeja hari dan memahami tarikh.
3) Pilih beberapa perkataan yg dia boleh menulis, cth namanya, ahli yang duduk dirumah, warna rumah, kereta;
4) Minta anak untuk menulis huruf pertama dan terakhir bagi perkataan yang sukar, ini mudah untuk anak baru belajar menulis. Bunyi awal dan akhir menggunakan foniks.
5) Bila anak dah ada keyakinan untuk tulis banyak perkataan bantu anak untuk membuat ayat pendek, cthnya rumah saya biru, saya ada tiga kereta.
Tip 2 – Gunakan papan lazy ‘8’
Satu alat yang dapat membantu anak belajar menulis dan mengeja adalah Papan Lazy ‘8’. Ia mengajar anak untuk membentuk dan menulis dengan betul dan dalam turutan yang betul.
Kanak2 boleh belajar menulis melalui beberapa peringkat mengikut kelajuan mereka sendiri. Belajar menulis mengambil masa!
LINUS!!! November 2, 2015 19:57
Pendidikan dinegara kita sudah kian berubah. Kalau dulu tak perlu masuk tadika boleh masuk sekolah terus...tapi sekarang sekolah dah berbeza. Bila anak2 masuk sekolah darjah 1 anak harus sudah tahu membaca, ,mengeja dan mengira.....
Kalau anak masih tidak boleh mengenal huruf umur 5 tahun, dan umur 6 tahun masih menghadapi masalah membaca dan mengeja, ibubapa harus ambil tindakan SEGERA!! Kita tidak boleh berharap sepenuhnya atau mengadu kepada guru tadika atau sekolah untuk membantu anak jika anak ketinggalan.
Anak adalah seumpama pokok yang perlu disiram air dan dibaja. Tugas ibu bapa adalah memastikan anak sentiasa diberi didikan dirumah manakala guru memberi tunjuk ajar dalam perkembangan dari segi pendidikan dan intelektual. Cikgu memberi baja, ibu bapa perlu menyiram air. Bolehkah pokok bergantung sepenuhnya pada baja sahaja?
Cuba fikirkan dari sudut anak kita pula, kalau anak masih tidak boleh membaca bila masuk darjah 1, anak akan hilang fokus dalam kelas kerana tidak boleh mengikuti pelajaran. Tambah pula, dengan suasana bising, displin sekolah yang baru dan mencari kawan menyebabkan anak jadi stress!
Setiap anak menzahirkan stress cara berbeza, ada anak yang:
1) Menangis bila nak ke sekolah,
2) Selalu cari alasan, sakit perut dan sbgnya
3) Jadi pendiam
4) Suka menjerit untuk perkara2 kecil
5) bermain dalam kelas
Saya cuma ingin menekankan pada ibubapa untuk tidak menjadi defensif sekiranya anak ada masalah dalam pembelajaran. It is never too late to seek help. Jangan salahkan mana pihak, kita mengenal anak kita yang terbaik. Sekiranya menghadapi sebarang masalah dengan cara untuk mengatasi masalah 4M atau LINUS boleh hubungi Pn Arva (Dyslexia Tutor) 03-78865152 atau pm.